So excited to introduce my new book
' painting rainbows'
Meet the author
I am a nurse and mum to 3 children living in Devon, UK. Becoming a children’s author is a dream come true…

My Books

The Tomluc Tree
The reviews
"A beautifully written story involving wonderful educational themes of community spirit, team, nature and following your dreams."
Amazon customerThe Tomluc Tree
" A heartwarming tale of a boy who could. Highly recommend'"
Amazon customerThe Tomluc Tree
The most beautiful uplifting story about teamwork and enjoying nature. Fitted in perfectly with what my daughter was learning this term at school. The bright and colourful illustrations really help bring this story to life. It has been read day after day and is a firm favourite in our house."
Amazon customerThe Tomluc Tree
"A beautifully written and illustrated book about nature, community spirit and following your dreams. Lovely flowing rhyming and wonderful educational book that my kids loved."
Waterstones customerThe Tomluc Tree
"This is a heartwarmingbook which is easy to read with its liltingprose. The story of a young boy who follows his dreams with the help and support of his community. Vibrantly illustrated, it takes us through the seasons and years. Highly recommend."
Waterstones customerThe Tomluc Tree
"Love this beautiful little story with lovely illustrations. Made a really lovely gift."
Amazon customerThe Tomluc Tree